CodeCPQ Dynamic Prices.

Product pricing that immediately tracks the user configuration.

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CodeCPQ Dynamic Prices offer highly flexible automatic pricing. Product prices are calculated quickly, accurately and without errors, according to predefined rules. CodeCPQ allows price setting based on self-defined formulas, BOMs and Python program code.

Flexible pricing rules by formula or algorithm

Anything you can mathematically calculate as a product price, by a formula or algorithm, you can also use in CodeCPQ for automatic pricing. Fast and accurate. Price calculation is typically based on product data and parameters entered during the user's configuration process.

Multiple price determinants, including Bills of Material
Calculate prices based on a variety of factors, such as product data, Bill of Material data, customer data, third-party data sources, discounts, and promotions. Even exceptions and restrictions can be included in the calculation.

Quick price calculation, regardless of complexity

With a CodeCPQ Custom Product Form, sales offers can be created from the front-end for website visitors as well as the back-end for the own sales staff. The front-end version can differ from the back-end version.​

Dynamic updating per response cycle
The CodeCPQ Customizable Product Form can follow the product logic, thus creating a natural and consistent connection between product data,  technical or organizational rules and configuration experience.

Non-experts can issue binding price quotes

Since there is no need for manual price calculation, even non-experts can issue binding quotes with the help of CodeCPQ dynamic prices.

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In the CodeCPQ tab Calculate Price, a price can be set in the Python code by assigning a value to the variable/attribute cpq.price. This can either be a static, i.e., constant, price, or based on code that determines the price with the help of multiple determinants. Such code can also pull information relevant for pricing from other code snippets, e.g., from the product template, the product variant, and the Bill of Material.

When a user changes a parameter value in the configuration form on the website or the back-end, a response cycle is triggered that executes the price calculation. In other words: Each change in the product specification dynamically leads to a price recalculation, based on the latest attributes/values.

CodeCPQ supports price rules that use the following data:

  • Product template price
  • Product variant price
  • Product attribute of a variant
  • Special prices for specific customers defined via the back-end
  • Parameters from the configuration input forms on the website (front-end) or the back-end
  • and more

Yes. Using formulas or an algorithm, you can also replicate the supplier's price rules for what you need to purchase from him. Of course, you need to know these rules.

By the way, this feature offers a great business opportunity to sell products for a supplier who does not have CPQ software himself.

Want to learn more about Dynamic Prices?

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